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  1. Jill NYC

    I just saw the moon

    Thanks! I updated my post to show properly.
  2. Jill NYC

    I just saw the moon

    Sorry to use a twitter link - but this guys’ photography (of the sun) is just amazing!!! He takes all these pics/films from his backyard.
  3. Jill NYC

    Herb Grinders

    Wow, it looks huge. Is it as big as it looks in that pic? It is beautiful for sure.
  4. Jill NYC

    I just saw the moon

    The fact that it is running on 1977 technology, less than 1mb of memory & these engineers figured out initial steps to reprogram it from 15 billion miles away (let alone that fact it is still functioning this many years later) I mean - wow! 🤯
  5. Jill NYC

    Pax - All Models

    I just use the pax screen, much better imo.
  6. Jill NYC

    Pax - All Models

    I don’t know how much air holds (haven’t used mine in years), but this is what you need to be able to use smaller amounts. To work well, pack in enough so top of screw touched bottom of lid. Hope you enjoy it, let us know how it goes...
  7. Jill NYC

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I don’t think it’s underpowered at all.. takes no longer than using a torch for me. At home, no need to hold the anvil while heating, just set it on a plate like this. To each their own, not trying to force you to get one or anything, but I am loving this no-hands mode at the moment and just...
  8. Jill NYC

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Wow! That is really fast. The only time I have ever heated that fast, I combusted. I am working on the timing with my new wand, but I don’t think it”ll ever get to where I want it in under 45 seconds. I may have to go back to my torch and play a bit more to see if I can figure out 10 second hits.
  9. Jill NYC

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Just curious, what is your “ultra fast” heat up time with the blazer big shot?
  10. Jill NYC

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Only been testing for 2 days but Wand + Thermacore = 👩‍🍳😘
  11. Jill NYC

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Do you have an eyeglass screwdriver? If you can find one small enough, put it in middle hole of screen and give it a little twist and it should free up the screen
  12. Jill NYC


  13. Jill NYC

    I just saw the moon

    I noticed after watching (only partial, but watched for a while) that later that night, i had that exhausted feeling I only get after laying out in the sun all day. Anyone else feel that way? And if so, any idea why? My stoner brain had a field day with theories last night! 😆 (tl;dr The sun is...
  14. Jill NYC

    Mail Order CBD

    I wish they would all include detailed info, but some don’t. But most places at least include total Terp, even if they don’t break it down. From memory I recall the totals being from about 1.2% to 3.5%. Most of the CBD I have gotten is in high 1’s, low 2’s. Would be interested in hearing what...
  15. Jill NYC

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    I have a cheap caliper, and over-50-year-old eyes, so take my measurements with a (true) grain of salt! (I did measure several times, but o-rings might come in slightly different sizes) This is for the smallest size o-ring, which I am assuming is mp ring: Outer Diameter: 8.4mm Inner Diameter...
  16. Jill NYC

    DaVinci MIQRO

    Did you get an email (automated) from them after you submitted your claim? It‘s been awhile since I dealt with them, but 2 weeks is way too long for no response. I agree with @pop22 - you need to start nagging them.
  17. Jill NYC

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Do same amounts perform similarly in both bowls for you? I’ve now got 2 diff ovens and 3 bowl sizes… if I get myself into test mode, I will never get out 😂 If I need to add in diff amounts for each size? Too many variables :science::cool::p:rolleyes::ugh:🤯
  18. Jill NYC

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I got the USA kit with Thermacore oven and an XL stem this weekend. Having a blast testing them out and playing legos with DV stems/mouthpieces. I definitely appreciate the TC oven allowing more time to enjoy more hits. But I am not used to having to hold the torch for so long, definitely a...
  19. Jill NYC

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Stoner math always rounds up
  20. Jill NYC

    The Official FC Pets & Animals thread
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