Recent content by vorrange

  1. vorrange

    Dirty guide to quit smoking

    I agree. It is even better to first stop smoking altogether. I'm offering a different way of curbing the smoking habit for those who have it more ingrained or have more difficulty in controling themselves. Just a suggestion for other smoking friends. :)
  2. vorrange

    Dirty guide to quit smoking

    Hello everyone! I'm a little away from the forum lately and i haven't posted in a while. Other things have stolen my time and i'm quite happy with my Lotus + Vapcap combo to search for alternatives. Still, i come by every now and then for a quick catch up! :) Meanwhile, i have come across a...
  3. vorrange

    Vaponic Herbal Vaporizer

    The vapcap is more pratical in terms of controling the heat time, you can be more distracted. Flavour is better in the Vaponic, and extraction is quicker in the vapcap unless you heat your vaponic too much too quick.
  4. vorrange

    Discontinued Wychwood Vaporizers UK Log Vape

    IMO, he just hit the red and then the road. I say this because he started to answer far apart, both here and email and it is just an opinion based on what i gathered from the way things unfolded. Nothing against Cookie, since he always treated me more than well, as a person and as a product...
  5. vorrange

    Dynavap VapCap

    To me it's Woody! No doubt. Omni for flavour + durability. Woody wins in looks IMO.
  6. vorrange

    The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread

    Bernie is the only serious contender to providing real change in the US. Hillary is the next puppet, just watch what happened in Nevada to see how much the powers that be want Clinton as president. Trump is a fool and afaik is totally independent from Hillary's bosses, hence the media frenzy...
  7. vorrange

    Shortness of Breath, Wheezing, Breathing Issues!

    ok, then its not lack of exercise either. you also filter your hit so less allergens. I suggest less vaping at the time, perhaps start using more oil and less flowers. The oil is more potent so you need less hits.
  8. vorrange

    Shortness of Breath, Wheezing, Breathing Issues!

    i'm sorry if this will sound stupid, but, can you perform any kind of light aerobic exercise, like walking, or any kind of repeated action and movement? When i had wheezing i was smoking a lot and/or doing a lot of vaporizing without any type of exercise and a sedentary job.
  9. vorrange

    Dynavap VapCap

    Stick with cwheezy suggestion, i'm sure talking to George is the best next step now.
  10. vorrange

    Dynavap VapCap

    Hello Vapcapers! My TI Woody has arrived as well! I had a previous glass VC that was DOA, so i have been waiting quite some time to get my hands on this nice little vape. I got a great burl, kind of orange which i have a small predilection for. And George was very kind in doing mine with a...
  11. vorrange

    Discontinued HomeGrownLogs

    RastaVapa, do you refurbish other logs? I have two wychwoods (a former log vape maker from the UK) that need some conditioning. One has the center tube broken and needs another resistor, the other has had an accident and has one side charred enough for the flavour to be noticeable when hot. I...
  12. vorrange

    Dynavap VapCap

    Read above of an attachment to use an 18mm bubbler with the VC. May i suggest a 18-14mm small adapter? IMO there is no need for any adapter in the VC.
  13. vorrange

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    Solid bubbler? I have what is considered a simple straight tube, although it is from a reputable european blower and it works perfect. My bubbler has 15cm from bowl to mouth.
  14. vorrange

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    NEvermind the hook. get the lotus kit for full experience, wpa if you plan on using it more at home or alu stem if it is a more on the go situation.
  15. vorrange

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    Although the hammer is slighty different than either the Lotus or the Vapman, it seems more similar to the Lotus in terms of extraction and also size. So, i'd wager that if you want to broaden your experience, a vapman offers something different. With the Lotus you'll get a slightly better...
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