shredder's latest activity

  • shredder
    shredder reacted to Rodney's post in the thread CannaButter with Like Like.
    I loved reading all the opinions here so much that I made this 1 jar of coconut oil 2 cups of water 1 oz weed slow cooked for 5...
  • shredder
    shredder reacted to Vitolo's post in the thread CannaButter with Like Like.
    Sorry for the VERY late reply... the Federal Government distracted me from life during the time. I use an crock pot on the lowest...
  • shredder
    shredder replied to the thread AVB.
    Once you vape buds, they dry out a bit, so long term storage is actually pretty good. When I vaped I stored in a quart jar and when the...
  • shredder
    shredder reacted to Razhumikin's post in the thread Fuck you !!! with Like Like.
    Big fuck you to the company that let me go last thursday, the day after my birthday, the first birthday I had after my brother died at...
  • shredder
    shredder replied to the thread Delicious Brownies!!!.
    You may want to look at vegan no bake cookies. Easy to make and easy to infuse. We use feco in butter, but the butter can be substituted...
  • shredder
    shredder reacted to AndyO's post in the thread Delicious Brownies!!! with Like Like.
    People thought I crazy when, despite having an Ardent, I decided I needed a Magical Butter, and shortly after that I decided I needed a...
  • shredder
    My best advice for a new edible maker is to read some of the many threads here. Then ask the good folks here for clarifications. Edibles...
  • shredder
    shredder reacted to Averyminya's post in the thread Cocknabis with Like Like.
    I make simple syrup from my AVB. Water cure well, fully dry, sift (for stray hair etc) + grind, & into cheesecloth it goes. I have a...
  • shredder
    shredder replied to the thread Cocknabis.
    While it’s fun to experiment, I seem to always go back to my canna caps. Eat one and drink or eat whatever. Very discreet although there...
  • shredder
    shredder reacted to tgvp's post in the thread Cocknabis with Like Like.
    Okay, took some time to start experimenting and even more reporting 🤷‍♂️ So I bought 1dl (100ml) of 97% potable alcohol and some 5g of...
  • shredder
    shredder reacted to Nina's post in the thread Best way to make edibles for a newbie? with Like Like.
    I second the RSO suggestion, I'd recomend melting it in with a small measured amount of a vegetable oil to make it easier to calibrate...
  • shredder
    Still in the ETF Game as well. Not so much Cannabis.
  • shredder
    Anyone still in this game? My holdings have changed, I sold 3 canna stocks, took the losses, and reinvested in msos. It’s etf that...
  • shredder
    shredder reacted to ezpz's post in the thread Mail Order CBD with Like Like.
    Yeah. I tried their delta 8 when it first came out. Never again. Didn’t bother with HHC. Strictly CBD buds for me.
  • shredder
    shredder reacted to RxPlorer's post in the thread Mail Order CBD with Like Like.
    HHC flower and a boatload of other synthetic products. NOPE! Hard Pass for me.
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