Recent content by Razhumikin

  1. Razhumikin

    NYC Best Vape Spots

    Im posting an open invitation to FCers: come play bocce and take dabs with me in Astoria park. Hit me up in the DMs for more specific details.
  2. Razhumikin

    The HI

    Ive never combusted in my HI and I find it very easy to use.
  3. Razhumikin

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Just want to send out the dog-signal that alpha GonGs are back in stock on the UD website! Picked up 2 extras myself, I broke one and lost another and now relying on just 1 gong is too much strain for my poor ud collection to bear!
  4. Razhumikin

    Fuck you !!!

    Big fuck you to the company that let me go last thursday, the day after my birthday, the first birthday I had after my brother died at the beginning of March, for being "Unhappy."
  5. Razhumikin

    Arizer Solo 3

    Its not that the stem is built into the device, its that the glass screen is built into the stem. The built in glass screen in the aroma tubes absolutely suck, they clog easily and they have terrible airflow (even when theyre not clogged). Plus the whistle they make when drawing is annoying af...
  6. Razhumikin

    Arizer Solo 3

    The jokes on us even if its real cause they havent changed the built-in glass screen stem :wave:
  7. Razhumikin

    Scope and Stack vs Dab Ready vs ????

    I looked into that, but I am specifically looking into ways to dab out of one of my bongs, as I already have a cricket for direct hits. The zooter and inductor together are also even more expensive the other set ups Ive listed, but I appreciate the thought.
  8. Razhumikin

    Scope and Stack vs Dab Ready vs ????

    Im looking into getting an enail and Im wondering what peoples opinions on them are. My current two top runners would be the Scope & Stack Knight or the Dab ready, has anyone used both and can offer informed opinions on the differences? Is there something else out there Im missing? Im really...
  9. Razhumikin

    Camouflet Banger

    Has anybody used this and can comment on how it performs relative to other ways to dab like erigs, enails, traditional bangers, etc?
  10. Razhumikin

    EVOLV Cricket

    Still using the cricket every day and honestly its been a lifesaver for me over the last month. I am concerned though that i might be damaging the battery by using a fast charger, does anybody who knows more than I do about electronics know if this is a legitimate concern?
  11. Razhumikin


    I use the same temp controller for each of them, my xl uses a slightly higher number than my grenadill cl but a lot less than my og oak couchlog.
  12. Razhumikin

    Vape Minyan

    Please say a mourners kaddish for my family. We are struggling through an enormous tragedy right now, the sudden loss of my only brother to a terrible accident. I love this community very much and your support means the world to me as we struggle to survive dealing with this loss. May his memory...
  13. Razhumikin


    God mine cant get here soon enough! Cheers!
  14. Razhumikin


    A beautiful XL in Padouk is in its way to me! Should be here on Monday and I cannot wait to begin testing. When I asked, Chris said he is using it at 4 on the dial, so i will start there and then see if it needs adjustment for my personal use case.
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