Recent content by Grass Yes

  1. Grass Yes

    Distilling the collective wisdom of FC using AI

    Is it missing support for your editor/IDE? I found copilot to be pretty helpful integrated into vim, but I've since switched to codeium (not to be confused with codium). I had hoped to see this come out of the Allen Institute for AI, given their Semantic Scholar product and their new open...
  2. Grass Yes

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Maybe I am misunderstanding your post but when you say: It sounds like you aren't letting the thermal material (sapphires/rubies) heat soak. I assume you aren't just waiting for the PID controller to display the right temperature? To work properly I'd let those gems soak for at least 5 minutes...
  3. Grass Yes

    TinyMight / TM 2

    I only use session mode to avoid pressing the button if it is awkward on a glass piece. I use the the same settings. It simply hold the button down for me 😄
  4. Grass Yes

    What is the better PID?

    This part is false. The Crossing Micro PID controller doesn't update live temperature on the display. It isn't holding it more stable, it just doesn't tell you the temperature dropped. Six String explains this very well here...
  5. Grass Yes

    Best glass for ZX

    The protégé is a great piece and absolutely smooth, but you'll keep more flavor with the influx or prophet. Or even a j-hook as others have suggested. I have lots at I've found at various prices. Definitely look for cooling features like dimples or right angles. Check the j-hook thread for good...
  6. Grass Yes

    The J-hook thread!

    Some steals over in the hookah head thread:
  7. Grass Yes

    Ball Vape Purchase Decision?

    This is a thing people often say before using a wireless ball vape. I also thought it would be a novelty. For me it shelved all the wired ones.
  8. Grass Yes

    Ball Vape Purchase Decision?

    In my experience this is not a practical concern with a good wireless vapes. The amount of time to reheat is less than the time it takes to load a bowl. In my experience you can get a bowl and a half off each heating. I typically sit in the same spot when I vape but the convenience of the...
  9. Grass Yes

    Ball Vape Purchase Decision?

    Interesting. I could see moving the load closer to the vape could increase radiant heat, although I am curious to hear more about adding conduction.
  10. Grass Yes

    Ball Vape Purchase Decision?

    Do you mean that bowls that are deeper would do this? I haven't heard this one before. I've never seen any meaningful conduction from heat soaking a metal bowl, but I definitely have seen it running a coil on one. Although that requires a second pid controller.
  11. Grass Yes

    Ball Vape Purchase Decision?

    I have a lot of ball vapes and I have my preferences. I will say that I don't touch the wired ones anymore. I have some that I like a lot, none that make it worth giving up cordless. I have 3 wireless ball vapes right now and one on the way! 😄
  12. Grass Yes

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    I am second guessing my choices after seeing the new color options for the Calypso that iDB teased on discord. Might have to go with one of those.
  13. Grass Yes

    Xmax V3Pro air path

    I've had an v3 pro for years and I've never smelled that. I admit I don't use session mode often, but I vape primarily for flavor and if there were a smell I would notice. There were issues with the cure on some silicone, I believe but I've never heard of anyone "smelling solder". I haven't...
  14. Grass Yes

    Need help deciding on next vape purchase

    The FF 2+ has many drawbacks compared to most popular vapes today. It definitely has a restricted draw, but it's also easy to overwhelm the heater. It is nice for its ability to provide flavorfull hits at lower temperatures but it is fidgety and the awful touch sensing buttons don't help with...
  15. Grass Yes

    Xmax V3Pro air path

    Why would cold air do this? I mean I assume you have a laptop with a fan. I don't mind electronics in the air path, but other folks do. Obviously it should not be in the vapor path, but I've never heard anyone claim the Xmax v3 pro air path was isolated.
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