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    Cdwhit reacted to yohonomo's post in the thread POTV Lobo with Like Like.
    But it still is what it was supposed to be - and more. :D It's similar for me. The Lobo is my out and about vape. At home I have been...
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    If you think pot is addictive, I hope you’re never on morphine for an extended time. Or even tobacco for that matter. THEY are addictive!
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    Cdwhit replied to the thread When herb will not product vapour.
    At least to start out, use at least 0.12g of herb. 0.2g would be better. I don’t know that I would taste or feel anything from 0.02 g.
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    I I’ve tried it, but I like the extra humidity this time of year.
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    Cdwhit replied to the thread POTV Lobo.
    OK, I’m a little concerned that with the number of $200+ vaporizers around the house, I keep picking up the Lobo. It was supposed to be...
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    It’s weird. Of all the features I have wished the Mighty+ had, I have never worried about it standing up. If it stood up, either the...
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    Meh, seemed like a lot of words that didn’t say much. At least they acknowledged the existence of DHVs.
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    Cdwhit replied to the thread Cannabis News.
    Unfortunately, I agree 100%. This is just their latest move in the war on drugs. If they won’t legalize, vote them out.
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    Cdwhit replied to the thread POTV Lobo.
    It has an isolated vapor path. I’m not sure about the air before the oven though. It does appear to ONLY take in air from the bottom...
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    Cdwhit replied to the thread POTV Lobo.
    I just got mine, and unfortunately I’m not familiar with the others you mentioned. That said, I think it’s well worth what they ask for...
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    Cdwhit reacted to Blackbeen's post in the thread POTV Lobo with Like Like.
    I use a hose, I run it to a bong but any distance helps dissipate the heat.
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    Cdwhit replied to the thread POTV Lobo.
    Sorry about consecutive posts, but the last one was old enough I couldn’t edit. So I’ve had a couple evening with. The Lobo: I love the...
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    Cdwhit replied to the thread POTV Lobo.
    I got one in the mail yesterday. I see no version markings or anything on it.
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    I agree that a break might help. Also, the Mighty+ does better with a looser pack. You can tamp it, but tamp LIGHTLY, you need good...
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    Cdwhit replied to the thread Best room deodorizer?.
    Does it actually keep the smell away? My experience (long, long, ago) was less than satisfactory with the air purifiers I tried.
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