Recent content by 666Honeybadger

  1. 666Honeybadger

    TinyMight / TM 2

    I'm 19 months in and never even activated the session mode... :lol: Always want to clear my hits and spread them out or go back to back as i please so on demand is how i roll. Matter of personal preference/different usage style i guess as i'm sure it hits just as hard either way! Really...
  2. 666Honeybadger

    The Official FC Pets & Animals thread

    Well... It has been over a year since i last saw my two friends roam free (for the story why they were caged: Click here) but today i heard a wellknown raw crow-like cry and sure enough: i spotted some bright colors in the trees. Quickly grabbed my nuts (have been ready all this time) and...
  3. 666Honeybadger

    What's in your vape right now?

    Saturday morning Hey!! '][/URL] Sunday afternoon Ho... '][/URL]
  4. 666Honeybadger

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Been using two of the new glass beaded stems for 10 days or so. Didn't get a picture but them balls were getting pretty darn sticky, full of amber colored reclaim. Felt the taste was getting affected so time for a clean but the screens (used one with glass screen and one with CU screen) did not...
  5. 666Honeybadger

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    It's his creation so he is 100% entitled to take as long as he wants/ as long as he feels is needed to release? Don't blame somebody for being a bit of a perfectionist. Just think about it: if the wait is frustrating to you (or other customers) how must it be for Brenyo? I'm sure he would...
  6. 666Honeybadger

    TinyMight / TM 2 General questions #6 Also on their site: "We have added extra manufacturing steps to ensure maximum safety and for example all metal parts in the vapor path are now cleaned using heated ultra sonic baths with dental standard...
  7. 666Honeybadger

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Guess i'll be using mine in my cave exclusively then! Only take it out in direct sunlight for worshipping purposes, like at solstice or similar. Don't want that redskin to catch a tan! :D Or get a jacket for it (and only undress it from dusk till dawn)! Thanks for the heads up! PH might not...
  8. 666Honeybadger

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Nice threesome! This picture is good for showing the new design of the button. Not a huge difference but i do think it looks better (and shorter) with the tapered edge. Did you give the new one a thorough sniff? Asking because so far i seem to be the only one that noticed (or at least mentioned)...
  9. 666Honeybadger

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Don't tell me stuff like this... :rant: It was presumed dead and buried but my VAS just got rustled. Guess it's still alive after all... 'Somebody said blackwood????? Noooooo ooo ooooo ooooo!! ' :cry: Goddammit!
  10. 666Honeybadger

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Very nice stem! 😍 haven't found a vendor of similar stems in EU so far, i'd certainly be interested if i could buy without importfees and customs. Very cool that you can ask for small changes and tweaks to the design! Would look good for sure but unsure if it wood (;)) look better necessarily...
  11. 666Honeybadger

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    I'm in the same boat! Love the Tempest for it's versatilty and vape signature. Like you say: cool, thick and really delicious clouds! And plenty of them for a relatively small bowl!! Exclusively used it with the wand so far and i love how easy and consistent it is. I always get the same roast...
  12. 666Honeybadger

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Today i received my PHD! (as in: Purple Heart Device :dog:) Ordered on sunday and 48h (and 2500km) later it arrived at it's final destination: home!! Disguised the purchase as a birthday gift to myself so i'll make myself wait till bd-midnight to inaugurate it. Luckily it's only a matter of...
  13. 666Honeybadger

    Can someone recommend a decent tamper for under $20?

    Oh yes, a digit is my favorite tamp tool... Always have a couple handy too, literally NEVER had to search for one and that's a great bonus! :tup:
  14. 666Honeybadger

    Fuck you !!!

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