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  1. G

    "unchilled highness"

    Thank you all guys. I guess you are right. I guess its the tolerance. 🙏
  2. G

    "unchilled highness"

    I will ask him what strain it was. Thank you I get hope from your post. Really appreciate it. I am also thinking of getting a better vaporizer like the Enano. It's on sale atm. Sadly I live in Europe and I have to pay customs.
  3. G

    "unchilled highness"

    Atleast the weed is clean :D Just vaped 180° very little bud and it's chill. But with a small tone of paranoia. But just a little bit. Maybe ur right and it's the strain.
  4. G

    "unchilled highness"

    Maybe I should mention that, I started vaping at 4pm yesterday and vaped the last at 11:45pm. Maybe it will make a difference? IDK.
  5. G

    "unchilled highness"
  6. G

    "unchilled highness"

    Maybe I should stay with 180°C then. But it's still kind of strange. I mean I cant remember the last strain I smoked / vaped as its years from now in the past :D. The state of mind thing you mentioned, I had a near death experience like shock some years ago. I had a very bad life from then on...
  7. G

    "unchilled highness"

    I did not changed the strain. I didnt smoked / vaped for some years. I just started recently except for silvester I did vape there too and was getting a little paranoia? too. But I did a break for 5 Months now and I am getting chill high when I put 0.05 in the vape and drawing 2 - 3 times at...
  8. G

    "unchilled highness"

    Hi Guys, I was smoking weed since I was 18 stopped when I was 23 because I did not like it anymore. Now that I am 27 I want to go back to vaping. I already have a standard vape. Started vaping again some days ago and had the funniest laughings I had for a while (180°C 0.05G bowls) So I...
  9. G

    Arizer Solo 3

    I saw it is an isolated air path right? Is there a breakdown of the device anywhere already? I saw someone saying that the Solo II should have an isolated airpath but he was saying that the ceramic thermal paste from the oven would potentially do harm to your health :D. I am new to vapes, but...
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