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  1. Magic9

    The Flower Kettle by Custom Flower Hardware

    You really are the dairy man!
  2. Magic9

    Chat - the vestigial tail of FC

    Back when I was first researching vapes with the magic of new (to me) broadband internet years ago, I came upon this site. I had many question but I didn't want to create an account and start posting right away. I found the chat feature and some very friendly people. Spaceghost (or at least that...
  3. Magic9

    The Flower Kettle by Custom Flower Hardware

    How you liking it so far?
  4. Magic9

    Old Head Dab-Ready and Terp Hammer

    I'm at 490 for dabs, and around 540 or so for flower.
  5. Magic9

    Illinois and weed

    MSOs (multi-state operators) are king here. There's hundreds of brands, all from the same handful of companies raking in the cash. It's feeling a bit "cartel-ish". But progress is progress. I haven't been to a dispo anytime recently, but Revolution (and their offshoots) seem to be leading the...
  6. Magic9

    Illinois and weed

    Yes. They offer both pre-packs and a "deli-style" where you can inspect pre-purchase. Michigan is light years ahead as far as accessibility. Kalamazoo has a reputation for being the best bang for your buck from the Chicagoland area. MO also has see/smell from what I hear.
  7. Magic9

    Old Head Dab-Ready and Terp Hammer

    I'm still experimenting with temps, but right now I'm at 550 for flower, 500 for dabs.
  8. Magic9

    Stainless steel BCG - worth it?

    Had it for about a year now. Zero issues. Still the only grinder I use. I grind a day or two worth and dump it onto a square stainless "plate" from amazon.
  9. Magic9

    Can someone recommend a decent tamper for under $20?

    Never used but it's a similar design on Amazon. I use these metal cocktail sticks. 15 for $7.
  10. Magic9

    Old Head Dab-Ready and Terp Hammer

    Is the image hosted on a hosting site (imgur, imgbb, etc.)? If so, you can just drop the link in the post. Nice looking setup.
  11. Magic9

    Old Head Dab-Ready and Terp Hammer

    The Dab Ready has a pretty small footprint by itself. But the peripherals have a bit of sprawl. Since it's a keeper, I found a small computer desk for $32 on Amazon and added a $15 mat. Keeps everything tidy and the wife doesn't mind. Win/win. My current setup:
  12. Magic9

    Old Head Dab-Ready and Terp Hammer

    5.5in x 3in. according to a quick ruler measurement.
  13. Magic9

    Where do we go now? Improving our cannabis relationship.

    I don't want to discredit anyone's personal experience. So let me start off by congratulating you for overcoming your obstacles. But I stand by my assertion that all cannabis use is medical/therapeutic.
  14. Magic9

    Stainless steel BCG - worth it?

    I went for the ZAM SS 2pc. Having never used or handled a BCG, I think I would always recommend a SS over AL. Especially if you plan on buying once for life.
  15. Magic9

    Old Head Dab-Ready and Terp Hammer

    Awesome news! I've had mine for exactly 3 weeks today. I was very nervous about coming that much out of pocket, but I am glad I did. It's a great all in one system, and I'm glad I made the purchase. It has elevated (lack of a better term) the experience. For me anyway.
  16. Magic9

    Where do we go now? Improving our cannabis relationship.

    I had to google PAWS (post acute withdrawal symptoms), and it sounds dubious at best in regards to cannabis. So we'll have to respectfully disagree with each other. What you may call PAWS, I might refer to them as rebound symptoms. But in the end, the body will tell you if you have/are...
  17. Magic9

    Where do we go now? Improving our cannabis relationship.

    You will consume as much cannabis as your body needs. It will tell you if/when it gets to be too much. Listen to it. If you feel like a day or two break is beneficial, by all means, please do so. There is no wrong way to use this medicine. Other than combustion of course. Seriously, fuck...
  18. Magic9

    Old Head Dab-Ready and Terp Hammer

    After scouring the internets and devouring every piece of media I could find related to the Terp Ready System, I finally pulled the trigger. Ordered Monday, shipped Tuesday, arrives Thursday. But, I can't find the info for a proper burn-off? Anyone have any tips? 650f for 10 min? Or an hour...
  19. Magic9

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Does anyone use the famous "Fauxbious" Matrix for ball vapes? Or would it be too close for comfort?
  20. Magic9

    What are your favorite discord weed forums?

    Discord gets a little too cluttered for me, but I do peruse EntExchange.
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