yohonomo's latest activity

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    yohonomo reacted to Copacetic's post in the thread POTV Lobo with Like Like.
    They have got back to me now and said that due to some international packages being labelled as "vaporizer" they're being re-directed...
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    yohonomo replied to the thread POTV Lobo.
    But it still is what it was supposed to be - and more. :D It's similar for me. The Lobo is my out and about vape. At home I have been...
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    yohonomo reacted to Cdwhit's post in the thread POTV Lobo with Like Like.
    OK, I’m a little concerned that with the number of $200+ vaporizers around the house, I keep picking up the Lobo. It was supposed to be...
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    yohonomo replied to the thread POTV Lobo.
    They will definitely solve that for you, I would not worry one bit.
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    yohonomo reacted to Andjoe's post in the thread AirVape Legacy Pro with Like Like.
    Soooo @Gary-Airvape, with the recent addition of the Solo 3 to the premium vape game, I am now even more curious about what you have in...
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    yohonomo reacted to shellingrook27's post in the thread AirVape Legacy Pro with Like Like.
    Hey everyone. Today I decided I wanted to see the inside of this thing. I posted a couple more images on iFixit. If I ever move to...
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